Sunday, December 2, 2007


'Tis the season. Don't get me started!

Too late!

I received an e-mail - two, actually - from my cousin in Florida, with a video attachment about the whole "Christmas vs. Holidays" bullshit. "Different pictures, same words" - a remix, if you will.

Now I know I'm going to make some people mad - a certain relative I can think of right off the bat - but I'm all about pretending to keep it real. So who cares?

Here's why who cares - take a poll of, let's say, Americans. How many of them actually think about Jesus at Christmastime? I'm not judging, just stating a fact. Think and let think, I always say. But like I replied to my cousin, if you forced people to be totally honest, I think your results would reflect the mindset that Christmas means gifts (buying & receiving), food, parties, getting laid/high/drunk, taking time off work/school, going into debt. Chances are, ain't no Jesus talk at holiday parties. I'm not condoning this (don't get me caught up in any Lennon is bigger than Christ thing), it's just a sad fact of today.

And I gotta be honest with you, it all smacks of the religious right, this new-found so-called partiotism that confidentially scares the shit outta me. Because it's all a sham, it's insincere and it's power-based.

I know the reason for the season, thank you. But you get most excited about how you're gonna go to frikkin' Wal-Mart at 4AM to buy some shitty toy for that brat of yours, don't you? And you've saved part of your household money for months to get those golf clubs for the husband who was drunk the other night & when you wouldn't screw him he slapped you & called you a bitch. Is that love or just hoping he stays cool over the holidays? And the only religious tie-in you'll have is when the hoopla is all over & it all feels so empty & you'll say to yourself, "God Damn it". Because another thing that burns you up is the $400 you spent on food and booze for the in-laws who don't appreciate it but expect it & they hole up in a corner & don't talk to anyone else until it's time to go. Just like frikkin' teenagers. And that's another story, too.

And you're gonna feel spiritual?

Pass the Christian Brothers.

Happy holidays, everybody.


fat 'n sassy said...

uh-oh, a big lump of coal for you!

Anonymous said...

Actually, the reason for the season is Roman Paganism (and you don't hear THEM complaining now, do you?). This is a simple fact that people want to dismiss (I just don't believe it!). We have no actual date when Christ was born - many say fall time. It was in the 300s(a.d.) when Constantine coincided Christmas with the pagan celebration so popular in the day. He didn't want civil unrest.

So, we really are carrying on a fine, long-standing tradition: The reason for the season is pleasin!