Sunday, November 25, 2007

I Told You I Was Trouble ...

Despite all the vitriol spewed on this page, I'm really not full of hate. I'm a rather decent guy, if I do say so myself. I feel the need to say that, because when I stop & think about ... things for a minute, it seems like I have a lot of pent-up whatever.

And I guess I do: Catholic upbringing brought the guilt. Coming of age in the 60's promoted a pro-coolsville, anti-establishment stripe. The 70s came roaring in and when four kids were killed at Kent State I dug a hole and buried peace love and flowers in the dirt. After the cultural one-two punch of Glam & Punk, and journalists like Lester Bangs and Richard Meltzer and rags like Creem Magazine and the underground comix press made wiseacres and scalawags seem attractive, it seemed sarcasm and cynicism was greenlighted. It does sound cliche doesn't it? But if you were around then, that's how it went down for me.

So all my verbal shitting is pretty much good-natured. Anyway, everyone has the right to their own opinion, and most of what I spew about isn't really worth anything in the big picture. Except to me, and maybe not even that. Why do it, then? Because I CAN. And so can you. But honestly, I think there's too much of THIS RIGHT HERE going on today - people voicing their opinions left and right, most of it verbal watery pooh. We've come a long way from wearing your favorite shitty band's t-shirt. It's called talk radio.

This post has disintegrated into something stupid and needs to be redeemed. So I'll leave you with some of the best advice I can give you.

WFMU.ORG is the best station in the U S of A. Go to their site, listen live, or better yet, check out the archives for every show. My favorite show is Dave The Spazz on Thursday night. He is as you teens would say off the chain. Also notable is Teenage Wasteland with Bill Kelly (who is not a teeneager - they never are) and Fool's Paradise with Rex (he is - a fool, not a teen). Radio is primarily dead, but this station is the best I've heard in many a year. Check out the entire site. They have a ton of downloadables on their "blog" page.

Now get out there & defend your country, Johnny!

1 comment:

fat 'n sassy said...

well, good to see you haven't lost your edge!