Monday, January 21, 2008

I Rock; Therefore, I Ran

OK, what shall I write about today? I'm tired of being on Amy Winehouse watch, although The Sun has video of her smoking crack.

She needs Dr. Phil!

It's been very cold. I have to wear slippers at home, because even with socks on my feet I still suffer the chills of January on my kitchen floor.

Anyway, what do you care?

Yes, it's Wintertime, and everyone I know is miserable. Everyone, I guess, except Amy. Maybe she is, too, but is just too out of it to realize it. Or to care.

Maybe that's the answer: ecstasy, cocaine, crack. OK, I'm ready for a trip to the hardware store!

Today I spoke to a guy at work who spent the past year in Iraq. I asked him if his opinion of the government changed since he'd been there & done that. He said "you know, you only see ten percent of what goes on there. There's a lot of good things going on there." I asked him if he thought we should've been there in the first place. I don't remember his exact words, but he apparently is going to vote for George Bush a third time. What can I say, this guy's teeth were all f'd up and his pants were too short. And on Dr King's day!

He had been all over Europe - he's in the reserves, and I guess I'll reserve my opinion of their dental plan for another time. His take on Paris was "filthy", and not because of the people, directly. He said it pretty much stems from the riots when kids just trashed things. I was certainly showing my age if not my knowledge of history when I interjected, "oh, back in '68?" and he replied, "no, last year." Wait, there were riots in Paris last year? No one told me! I thought the only unrest in Paris last year took place in her jail cell!

Time to wrap it up. But in closing, here's a tip for one of the coolest web sites I've stumbled across in recent months. It's called Square America, and it has a fantabulous collection of photos from who-knows-where.

Now get out there and heat things up! C'est si bon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah...Paris had riots. You might want to NOT take that trip to the hardware store.